Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, a long tube and twisted positioned above and behind each testicle and that is designed to collect and store the sperm produced by the testicles before the ejaculation.

Most often this inflammation of the epididymis can expand easily and the testes due to anatomical proximity organs. Also, be known turn, prevents inflammation in most cases only in the epididymis is one of the testicles, but there are situations when the damage is on both sides.

Signs of illness

Appearance epididymitis usually occurs suddenly, within a few hours. The patient suffered pain in the scrotum half the epididymis is affected. Pain intensity increases progressive and quickly extending even to the region between the thigh and hip. This trend is caused by the fact that increases in volume epididymis becomes palpable and tender and creates pain. Also, half of the affected scrotum grows in size and volume doubling in a few hours and scrotal skin becomes stretched, tensing and red.
With the evolution of the disease, inflammation may extend to the testicles and fluid accumulates in the scrotum (collection of pus). Also, of 39-40 degrees Celsius fever accompanied by chills.

In addition, another sign of epididymitis is that the patient accuses difficult urination accompanied by pain and urinary disorders.

Causes of epididymitis

Epididymis and testicle inflammation can be caused by various factors differ depending on age. The condition can occur even in children is most commonly caused by urinary tract infections.

Epididymis infection in young men is associated with sexually transmitted diseases (especially gonorrhea) because germs can attack untreated venereal disease and testicular and epididymal tissue.

Adult males may be multiple causes of illness. Viral infections (such as pneumonia caused by ECHO or Coxsackie viruses) may be accompanied by epididymitis virus, symptoms are fever, diarrhea and muscle pain. Another disease that can cause epididymitis is renal tuberculosis, infection of the epididymis is the first sign of urinary tuberculosis disease.

Epididymitis can occur in accidents, bleeding or bruising affecting the testicular tissue. Finally, tropical diseases (such as lymphatic stasis) caused by a parasite called spinning can be a cause epididymitis production.

In older men's enlargement of the prostate causing urinary elimination problems, which leads to the occurrence of urinary tract infections. In many cases because of the introduction catheter due to urinary bladder endoscopy can occur inflammatory process that can extend to the epididymis.

Evolution of epididymitis

Where epididymitis is not treated properly it can become chronic, serious consequence can be sterility caused by sperm duct obstruction. Untreated chronic inflamed testicle and atrophy should be removed.

Treatment of epididymitis

Treatment for epididymitis should be established quickly to avoid the occurrence of complications. Thus, signs of the disease will disappear completely after 10 days and after 20-30 days epididymis will return to normal size and consistency.

Main method of treatment is antibiotics and NSAIDs. Allopathic treatment may be accompanied by herbal remedies, especially the anti-inflammatory herbs such as basil, chamomile, milfoil or mallow which will be pumped into the ...

In terms of personal care, the patient will have to undergo a few days of rest and bed rest. He will follow testicle skin protection by anointing with Vaseline or other natural soothing ointments and testicles will support. Not least should avoid sexual intercourse to reduce the risk of transmission of infection to the partner.